Systematic societies, no communication, racism, discrimination, segregation, dehumanization, no educationalization, criminalization, institutionalization are fuel for detestation.
Direct or indirect, injustice equals no justice. Choose this day which side you’ll coalesce with.
Never given a fair chance distance.
History has A WAY of repeating itself can’t deny your actions, out of control. Call it a family tradition.
Spiritualize me to devout
Spirit so strong the likeness.
Founding fathers all wrong proudly plastered on the wall, hanging out in the hall of frames. What a lowdown dirty shame.
That’s our Great, Great, Great Grandaddy!
I know a lot about Great, Great, Great Grandaddy?
That happened a long, long, long time ago
Under the covers . . . of night.
No support for the Me Too Movement. Nine
Months later, that violent act makes us akin.
Brother from another mother
Why do you hate me for that?
Purge the Earth of that Bastard Race.
Extermination is not the way. Adolf Hitler had a deathly price to pay.
Cleaning up the sins of our forefathers wipe them out of existence,
By any means necessary.
Cannot accept the constant reminder?
Red Tide refuse to hide boastful pride, that Demon called pride will cause you to subside.
Admit you’re wrong. Deny, Deny, Deny because you lie, lie, lie.
Becoming more and more regulatory. Mankind you’re out of control.
Will kill your brother for a misdemeanor violation? And what about the traffic
Violation? Their hands were up. Hands up makes a better target. Justified? Must be on the right side.
Situation Sad so sad
No longer under the covers . . . of night?
Gunned down them babies in broad open daylight, had no reason to take flight. Never were a part of the fight.
From horseback to horsepower, give them drugs to remove hope and sometimes use a rope.
Who’s imitating who?
Tizz the season for strange fruit? Spirit told you to hang ‘em?
Decline all offers to attend a picnic?
Affix him to the cross no need to bake just wait until the coals abate and serve him with coke and cake.
Hueman you’re the main course.
Damn shame to treat your brother in such a way.
Damnedest thing I ever seen, picked him damn near clean. WOW Picnic?
Stop looking in the past, is that the same as living in the past?
Hueman obsolete, extinct, endangered, dangerous, priceless survivor of all time and murdered by all kind.
Our Father hallowed be thy name is the one I claim. Envision a day when Black Lives Matter.
I’ll envisage a day when all lives matter.